[IR] 어웨이크 Product-Market Fit 검증 관련 자료
2023.09 PMF Narrative: 성경 앱 (WeBible)
Target Segment
[Lev.3] Isolated Believers (고립된 신자)
[Lev.3] Isolated Believers (고립된 신자)
Business Impact & Influence
Potential for re-engagement through tailored outreach, untapped market for remote or individualized products/services.
Community Connections
Not Engaged
- May range from sincere to skeptical - not actively engaged in community practices 예) Jarvis, Kayla(Ben 아내)
Intensity of Faith
Intense Devotees
Moderate Believers
Sincerity of Faith
Committed but Struggling
Skeptical or Indifferent
User Needs
- Resources for personal exploration
- online or remote access to teachings
- non-committal entry points. - opportunities for open dialogue