이 PMF의 문제점
- 너무 광범위함
- 대중, 글로벌 시장 등을 타겟한 PMF. 현 단계에 부합하는 방향성은 아니라고 보임(현실적으로)
[1] 지향점
1) 성경 중심의 앱으로 재구성
성경 본연의 기능을 서비스의 중심점에 둔다. 나중에 바뀔지언정 지금은 그렇게 인식시킨다. (그것이 서비스 확장성을 가져가는 길)
2) 초원의 성경 기능을 보완
성경 기능을 더 강력하게 보완한다. 현재의 초원 성경 기능은 완성도가 높지 않음.
3) 고객들의 브랜드 인식 변경
왜 중요한가?
더 크리스천 시장의 대중적인 포지셔닝을 확보한다.
초원은 개성있는 아이덴티티를 가지고 있으나, 이것은 취향이 갈리는 요소
특히나 질문하기 AI 기능으로 인해 호불호가 더 강한 상황이라고 짐작함
Bible이라는, 취향이 갈리지 않는 가장 대중적인 소재를 뉴트럴하게 표현
기관/단체에서 이 집단을 검증해야 한다는 생각이 안들도록
[2] PMF Narrative
1. Problems to Solve
Defining the problem broadly and independently from the solution, avoiding “solution thinking”
1) Desired Outcome
What are our customers really trying to achieve?
Deeper understanding of faith
2) Motivation
Why do the customers want this outcome?
They want to integrate this understanding into their daily lives, enhancing their spiritual growth and enabling them to live more aligned with Christian principles.
A personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ is central to faith. Aligning daily life with Christian principles is a way to honor God and reflect Christ's teachings.
3) Gaps
Why can’t they do this today?
Lack of Context: Traditional Bible study methods may not provide the historical, cultural, or linguistic context that is crucial for understanding certain passages or concepts.
Time Constraints: In today's fast-paced world, not everyone has the time to delve into extensive theological study, which can be time-consuming and require additional resources like commentaries or scholarly articles.
Personal Relevance: General reading may not help individuals understand how to apply biblical principles to their specific life situations, questions, or challenges.
Lack of Guidance: Without a structured approach or guidance from knowledgeable sources, individuals may find it challenging to navigate the complexities of theological study.
Isolation: Traditional methods often involve individual study, which can limit the communal aspect of faith exploration and the benefits of shared insights and questions.
Accessibility: Not everyone has easy access to a wide range of theological resources or scholarly texts that can offer deeper insights.
2. Target Audience
Defining a sequence of target audiences, starting with the initial niche target audience, and then expanding to the largest target audience.
1) Define attributes
Customer segments are collections of attributes(demographic, psychographic, role, etc.)
2) Prioritization
What to prioritize in “Now” market: customer segments that resonate most
with the other dimensions
most acute problem to solve
strongest resonance with the value proposition
strongest competitive advantage
greatest ease of reach
strongest willingness to pay
[Lev.1] Devoted Believers (헌신적 신자)
[Lev.2] Committed Believers (참여적 신자)
[Lev.3] Isolated Believers (고립된 신자)
3. Value Proposition
Defining the value proposition in a customer-centric way, specifically in terms of the key benefits rather than features.
1) Product tag line
This is the high-level value proposition, or what usually appears as the first sentence on the page in larger font.
Worship Everyday, WeBible.
Your Spiritual Companion
Theological insight & personalized guidance from Holy Bible
WeBible isn't just about reading the Bible; it's about understanding it on a deeper level
Let’s Bible. WeBible.
2) Sub benefits (3 to 5)
Detail 3-5 key product benefits, specifically detailing how the product solves key customer challenges.
1. Deepen Your Faith: Theological insights from inclusive Bible commentary
Problem | Lack of Context: Traditional Bible study methods may not provide the historical, cultural, or linguistic context that is crucial for understanding certain passages or concepts. |
Solution | Making complex passages and concepts easier to understand |
2. Tailored for You: Personalized guidance based on word of God
Problem | Personal Relevance: General reading may not help individuals understand how to apply biblical principles to their specific life situations, questions, or challenges. |
Solution | Allows users to get answers that are directly relevant to their lives, making the Bible a more useful and practical tool for spiritual growth. |
3. Make it your Bible: Customize your reading experience with bookmarks, highlights, and notes.
Problem | Accessibility: Not everyone has easy access to a wide range of theological resources or scholarly texts that can offer deeper insights. |
Solution | Makes the reading experience more interactive and personal. It allows users to mark passages that resonate with them, jot down their thoughts, and even share their insights with others. |
현 단계에서 고려하지 않음:
Value Proposition을 뾰족하게 하기 위해, 당장은 강조하지 않음
Grow Together: Community connection (공동체/교회)
Problem | Isolation: Traditional methods often involve individual study, which can limit the communal aspect of faith exploration and the benefits of shared insights and questions. |
Solution | 신자들이 신앙 생활을 공유하고, 서로를 돕고, 공동체의 효능감을 느낄 수 있는 공간을 제공 |
Build a Habit: Routines and daily worship guidance (루틴/QT)
Problem | Time Constraints: In today's fast-paced world, not everyone has the time to delve into extensive theological study, which can be time-consuming and require additional resources like commentaries or scholarly articles. |
Solution | 꾸준한 신앙 생활을 실천을 위한 콘텐츠와 장치 |
4. Competitive Advantage
Defining both the short-term and long-term competitive advantage
1) Long-term competitive advantage
Our long-term competitive advantage should align to at least one of Helmer’s 7 Powers:
In matters of faith, people are often cautious about the sources they turn to for guidance and information. A strong, reputable brand can serve as a beacon of trust and credibility, assuring users that the content and community align with their beliefs and values.
WeBible can establish itself as a trusted brand in the Christian faith-based tech space. This strong brand identity will create a higher perceived value among users, making them more likely to engage with WeBible over competitors.
Switching costs
Once users invest time in personalizing their WeBible experience—by bookmarking verses, making notes, engaging in community discussions, and following personalized daily devotionals—they become more invested in the platform.
This creates a natural barrier to switching, as users would lose the value of these personalized elements if they moved to a different platform.
Network economics
As WeBible grows its user base, the value of its community features will increase exponentially. Users will find more diverse discussions, more answers to their theological questions, and a richer community experience.
This network effect will make the platform more valuable to each user as the community grows, similar to how LinkedIn becomes more valuable as more professionals join the network. The larger the WeBible community, the more valuable the platform becomes for individual users, encouraging new users to join and existing users to stay.
2) Short-term competitive advantage
Current direct competitors
Major Bible apps
YouVersion, 갓피플성경(ko)
직접적인 성경 이해를 도와준다는 차별점: 질문을 할 수 있다, 성경에 대한 해설이 있다
Indirect competitors
QT apps for christians
Hallow, Glorify
성경 학습을 위한 자료 및 자산이 지속가능한 QT를 만들어줄 수 있으며 통합적인 신앙 자산을 만들어갈 수 있음, 성경이라는 브랜딩을 통한 신뢰 확보
Adjacent markets
5. Growth Strategy
Defining both the short-term traction channels and the long-term sustainable growth channels
1) Short-term traction channels
non-scaleable channels that are most useful to reach our initial traction goal but likely won’t scale to our long-term growth goals
Online Viral
Support from major org.
2) Long-term growth channels
scalable channels that enable us to gain access to a large percentage of our target audience. Examples include viral loop, user-generated content loop, paid marketing loop, and sales loop
WeBible X Churches